Fraud & Forensics
- Corporate Fraud & Crime Investigations
- Domestic Relations Fraud Investigations
- Subject Matter Experts for Fraud and Forensic Litigation
- Fraud Examinations & Reviews
Regardless of the mitigating controls companies have instituted to mitigate risks – financial fraud and crime still occurs.
At Gem City, we work at the direction of management, outside investigators, and/or law enforcement, to identify and reconstruct how financial fraud and crimes are committed. Our managing directors hold licenses as a Certified Fraud Examiner, and a Certified Public Accountant, depending upon the experience required.

Domestic disputes are unfortunate by their nature, but when assets are involved things often become complicated.
At Gem City, we often work with individuals directly, or are hired by their counsel as Subject Matter Experts, in the discovery and review of financial information involved. Our managing directors hold licenses as a Certified Fraud Examiner, and a Certified Public Accountant, depending upon the experience required.

When a Court requires a Subject Matter Expert for testimony in relation to financial matters we are often employed by counsel of the defendant, or the plaintiff, to give an unbiased professional opinion.
Often times, within civil litigation matters, the Court is looking for professional opinions of Subject Matter Experts to be obtained on behalf of the parties. We are often employed directly by counsel for one of the parties to perform the necessary efforts to provide an unbiased financial opinion to the matters being disputed.
Our past and current experiences within local Court systems, along with our current licenses as a Certified Fraud Examiner, as well as a Certified Public Accountant, serve as the necessary qualifications to serve within this role.

Fraud Examinations and Reviews help to detect, as well as to prevent fraud from occurring.
Gem City can help businesses resolve fraud allegations. When engaged, we address all aspects by obtaining evidence, taking statements from all parties involved, issuing a report of our findings, and assisting in the detection and prevention of future incidents.
We act as an unbiased third party and sometimes in the role of a mediator. Fraud allegations are serious and we are very thorough in our investigation of every case. We can help prevent future issues once the case at hand has been addressed. This is a sensitive issue that no business owner wants to have happen to them, Gem City is able to guide all parties involved through the necessary processes.